How to give a Massage, a guide on sensual erotic body massage
Body massage can be one of the most erotic and sensual pleasures you can give and receive, learn how to give the perfect all over body massage.

Massage is the best ice-breaker!
It's true!
How many times have you found yourself in a situation with someone
that you really wanted but you weren't sure what your first move should be, or even
if you should make a first move.
Try offering them a back rub or a massage, or imply that you would like to get one from them. A massage can be non sexual just by itself, and it lets them, or you decide if you want to take things further. I know it's cheesy, but it works.
If it's someone you don't know very well, sometimes you don't even need to ask them. If you think that their going to be receptive to it, then find an opportune moment where you can get behind them and put your hands on their neck and shoulders. Most people can't resist a back or neck rub.
If they are receptive to the idea, then I have one key tip to offer you. When giving a massage, use the pads of your fingers, not the tips. When you use the tips of your fingers, it often feels like someone is clawing into your back, and it can hurt quite a bit, especially if the muscles are really tense. When you use the pads of your fingers, it feels much more soothing and relaxing. But hey, if they're into that kind of pain, then dig in :-)
Most people will, I suspect, prefer the soothing kind of massage and shy away from the painful variety. When massaging their neck or back try running your fingers through their hair, up the back of their scalp, along the sides of their head, to their temples, all the while gently rubbing in a circular motion. This kind of "scalp massage" is a pretty unique experience for a lot of people and I can tell you it feels wonderful.
If they're still fully clothed after you've worked on their neck and shoulders for awhile and you want things to go a little further, try sliding your hands 'up and under'. It's a lot easier to give a rub down without clothes in the way!
If you have lotion in the house, ask if they'd like you to use it on them. Once they agree they have to start removing some clothing at least. When they are laid out on their stomach and you're massaging their back, in particular the muscles along their spine, turn one of your hands sideways, and cup it, so that the bottom of your palm is resting on one side of their spine and the pads of your fingers on the other. Then place your other hand on top and apply steady even pressure as you massage the muscles along their spine using a circular motion.
Not only is this very soothing but massaging this often overlooked part of the body, can also release a tremendous amount of tension from your partner. Remember they're called "back rubs", if shoulders were the only part of the body to get tense they'd be called "shoulder rubs".
Try working your way down to the small of their back. They should be starting to feel very relaxed by this time! If you have enough stamina and you're up for it, try rubbing down their legs. If you're rubbing down their legs, work your way up from their feet, along their calves, to the insides of their thighs. Try to get as close to their crotch as possible without touching it.
This is a wonderful way to tease and crank up the sexual tension. If you have an affectation for bums, then rubbing, kneading, and squeezing theirs should be right up your (and their) alley.
Massages aren't only about squeezing and rubbing. Light touch can be extremely exciting and thrilling, unless they're severely ticklish. Then it can actually pass for mild torture, physical and psychological and that's usually fun, well - for at least one person involved.
Very lightly running your fingers along their back, love handles, the insides of their thighs, under their arms and down their sides, is usually sure to make them breathe a little quicker, fall into a sensual bliss, or at least make them break out in goose pimples. If that's not enough - a light kiss or lick, followed by a touch here and there, alternately blowing warm then cold air on various parts of their body (especially nipples, and neck) should turn up the heat a notch or two.
As always, don't be afraid to explore your partner's body, it's another good way to judge the responsiveness of your partner. A good sensual massage can be the prelude to a wonderful session of passionate sex.